
Our work in the Shire relies on the generous support of our community!

Wherever there is hardship or injustice, Salvos will live, love and fight alongside others to transform Australia one life at a time, with the love of Jesus. Through our faith, we believe that hope, purpose and fulfilment can be everyone's story, no matter the circumstance.


Ways you can give

There are a number of ways you can support our work.

Donate Financially

We're thankful for the generosity of those who partner with us to provide much-needed funds and practical assistance to children, families and individuals around the country. Because of you, we're able to make a difference. Together, we can leave no one in need.

Projects and appeals you can give to

Every year, The Salvation Army Australia holds regular fundraising appeals, along with one-off projects including disaster appeals if needed. Find out more about our appeals and projects below:

Red Shield Appeal 
Christmas Appeal 
Disaster and other appeals

Donate Clothes and Goods

Items for Salvos Stores such as clothes and bric-a-brac, can be donated at your local Salvo Store. Please note that goods cannot be donated directly to our Menai or Miranda office locations. Thank you for your generosity!

To donate furniture items, please call 13 72 58 (13SALVOS)

Donate Time (Volunteering)

Our volunteers are an instrumental part to the work of Shire Salvos in the local community.  We are always looking for individuals to bring fresh energy and ideas to a range of volunteer roles. Whatever your skillset, availability or areas of interest, you may surprise yourself with the different ways you can make a difference.

Are you a business or corporate organisation?

Get involved and provide support by contacting our corporate partnerships team. Email us your interest here

The impact of your gift

Because of your generosity, we're able to provide practical assistance and help restore hope to Aussies doing it tough. We can't do it without you. 

Find out where your money goes and how it helps transform lives How your donation helps


Shire Salvos Impact Report 2023

An Impact Report document, designed by the Shire Salvos Area Leadership Team (ALT) in southern Sydney, has been a positive tool for fundraising during this year’s Red Shield Appeal.

Shire Salvos Mission Leader, Mark Soper, said every year The Salvation Army’s national communications team releases an impressive impact report for donors, and his local team wanted to replicate that on a smaller scale to engage with local business leaders.

“We were having a Red Shield Appeal launch breakfast this year, our first one since the COVID lockdowns, and a lot had changed within our missional space,” he said. “So, we wanted to produce a document that was able to re-launch who we are, what we do and how people can partner with us.”

The report was written and designed by members of the ALT and contains stories of transformation, lists of services available at each ALT location, and QR codes that direct readers to the Shire Salvos Red Shield Appeal digital doorknock page. “We’re lucky to have an amazingly creative woman working with us part-time who designs stuff for us on Canva,” said Mark. “The report is something we can take with us to stakeholder meetings, when we approach business-people for support, or give to local media.”

2508 Salvos, which is a missional outpost connected to Shire Salvos, even created a more local Impact Report for its unique missional area. 2508 Salvos Mission Leader, Lauren Martin, said Helensburgh and the surrounding 2508 suburbs is a very distinct local community, separate from both Sydney (to the north) and Wollongong (to the south), “So, I created a 2508 Salvos Impact Report because our people just want to know about what’s happening here.”

“With the Red Shield Appeal Initiative that allows local Salvation Army corps and centres to spend money raised locally, I think it’s really important to be able to document and educate our donors on where their money is being spent,” said Lauren. “I believe it will lead to deeper and more lasting partnerships.”