A passion for collecting and counting

Tuesday 24th May 2022 at 9:42am

A passion for collecting and counting

Mavis collecting at her local shopping centre.

Collecting for the Red Shield Appeal is a labour of love for Mavis Stupple, a Salvationist from the Sutherland Shire of Sydney.

“I love collecting because of the human contact,” she said. “Sometimes people need someone to talk to.”

Mavis and her husband started attending Miranda Corps (now Shire Salvos) in 1970. They were overseas for work for a number of years but always came back to the Shire. “I have worked at Shire Salvos for the last 23 years doing the accounting for the Red Shield Appeal. I’ve also collected for the appeal. It’s my service to the Lord.”

Mavis is a familiar face at her local shopping centre during the Red Shield Appeal campaign. She sits behind her collection desk, greets shoppers with a smile, and is always available for a friendly chat.


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