Accolades for long-serving Lynn

Wednesday 16th November 2022 at 9:26am

Accolades for long-serving Lynn

Salvationist, Lynn McComb has served Shire Salvos Menai for decades.

Shire Salvos has farewelled long-serving Salvationist Lynn McComb, thanking her for decades of service to the local Salvation Army. 

Lynn is retiring from her role as Shire Salvos finance officer, but has served the church in a huge range of capacities since Menai Salvation Army was founded in 1990. In those early days the church met at Illawong Community Centre and Lynn would be on hand to set up and pack up the chairs for every Sunday and special event.

At a recent farewell service, words used to describe Lynn and her service were: “passionate”, “committed”, “focussed”, “faithful”, “wise” and “unflustered”. What an asset to have on the team!

Shire Salvos Menai congregation member, David Hosking said Lynn’s desire has been, and continues to be, “to see people who call Shire Salvos their spiritual home grow in their faith.

“This is evident through her commitment to, and personal study she puts in to running Bible studies, organising ‘Encounter’ evenings for both adults and young people; and her enthusiasm for assisting with organising the Holy Spirit weekend this year.

“You have stuck with us in the challenging times and are a constant part of the exciting times,” he said.

Lynn has also been instrumental in the day to day running of Shire Salvos Menai, and particularly in administering its finances. In recent years she has also held a role within the NSW/ACT Division of The Salvation Army, assisting other centres with their finance administration.

“It is a common saying across the division that, ‘We need more Lynn McCombs’!” said David at Lynn’s farewell.

Lynn is looking forward to spending more time in her retirement with husband Bob and their soon-to-be-born grandchildren. She will continue to be a loved and valued member of Shire Salvos Menai.



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