Friendship and Fitness at Free Walking Group

Wednesday 27th July 2022 at 9:00am

Friendship and Fitness at Free Walking Group

Alison Hawley is a local Salvo who runs her own fitness company.

Helensburgh’s local 2508 Salvos and the outdoor fitness company Fluro Fun N Fitness have joined forces to launch a free weekly walking group to encourage friendship and health.

Run by Alison Hawley, who is a local Salvo volunteer and owner of Fluro Fun N Fitness, the group meets at the Rotunda at Charles Harper Park every Wednesday at 10am. “It’s a great way to embrace the great outdoors, connect with other members of the community and take some time for yourself.”

Alison is passionate about seeing people reach their full potential and believes connection with others and connection with nature are key. “Many people live in Helensburgh but haven’t explored the local trails and I love showing people the beauty of where we live!” Her connection with The Salvation Army and its mission to build healthy communities inspired her to launch the walking group, which is also attended by local Salvation Army Mission Leader, Lauren Martin.

“We love partnering with any individuals, community groups and businesses who want to see our community thrive,” says Lauren.

Fluro Fun N Fitness also launched a MAKE! and BREAK! challenge in late July, which takes participants on a journey to make new healthy habits and break unhealthy ones. You can find out more about the walking group or any Fluro Fun N Fitness activities on Facebook at: @flurofunfitness



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