God's vision for Shire takes shape in lockdown

Tuesday 1st February 2022 at 10:49am

God's vision for Shire takes shape in lockdown

Shire Ssalvos Mission Leader Mark Soper says “Through every door that The Salvation Army has in the Sutherland Shire there will be an opportunity for faith pathways. 

Sydney’s 2021 four-month coronavirus lockdown did nothing to stifle God’s plans for Shire Salvos in the city’s Sutherland Shire, with a vision to create a state-of-the-art combined churches missional centre at Miranda taking shape.

Shire Salvos covers the vast Sutherland Shire in southern Sydney, as well as Panania in south-west Sydney and Helensburgh, the most northern village of the Illawarra. In 2019, the Miranda and Menai Corps started to work together to deliver mission and ministry, and by 2021, ‘Shire Salvos’ became one entity, with gathered Sunday worship taking place at its Menai location, and the central Miranda site becoming a hub of Salvation Army services.

Mission Leader Mark Soper said Shire Salvos is one body of faith with many different faith expressions. “Our vision is to transform the shire one life at a time with the love of Jesus,” he said. “We see that happening through building healthy communities in many different contexts and creating opportunities for faith pathways to be built.”

During the latest COVID-19 lockdown, members of the Shire Salvos faith community were encouraged to make time to meet one-on-one with others, both people of faith and people open to faith, and have intentional conversations.

“We want to see transformed lives,” says Mark. “It’s not about us doing more programs, it’s about our people aligning themselves with God and allowing themselves to be used to glorify him. God has a specific plan for each of us and if we live that out, I believe we will see revival in the Shire.”

Local mission leaders

There are currently five different locations within Shire Salvos – Engadine, Helensburgh, Menai, Miranda and Panania. Shire Salvos is working towards having a mission leader situated at each expression of The Salvation Army in the shire – whether it be a Salvos Store, community centre, or a gathered worshipping space in a corps building.

Already, there is a mission leader at Helensburgh, who operates out of the local Salvos Store, a local Baptist run coffee shop and facilitates and organic house-church expressions. At Panania, a playgroup is already running, alongside a Salvos Store. A mission leader started there in 2021 and will develop relationship with store volunteers, staff and customers; as well as building community in a variety of different ways.

A coffee shop will be constructed inside the store and will be a place to have informal chats and run small groups.

“It’s all about connecting with people,” says Mark. “Through every door that The Salvation Army has in the Sutherland Shire there will be an opportunity for faith pathways. A journey of friendship and kindness.”

At Engadine, the current Family Store will be moved to a larger premises and transition to a Salvos Store, with space carved out for mission. “We want to provide an opportunity for all of the staff, volunteers and shoppers there to connect with someone who loves Jesus.”

Centre of hope at Miranda

Another major part of the vision is the exploration of a redevelopment of the Shire Salvos Miranda site which has been dreamed about for the past 15-20 years. An Expression of Interest (EOI) has gone out for a development partner for the site, which will see a development consisting of units, office space and retail/commercial space on the bottom floors. The Salvation Army will retain a number of units for transitional housing for people in need, as well as the large ground floor space and offices for mission and service delivery.

“The ground floor area will be a massive Salvos Store and a café and an community space that would be used all throughout the week, including faith gatherings.” says Mark.

Already, several Salvation Army services operate from Miranda such as Oasis Reconnect, Drive for Life, SAL Connect, casework and a William Booth House alcohol and other drugs worker. The Army also partners with several other churches and community services to deliver food relief throughout the week. In the future, Mark says those partnerships will expand.

“I truly believe that unity will see revival.

“Revival won’t come until churches work together for the salvation and transformation in people’s lives – I believe The Salvation Army is part of bringing people together. It’s already happening in the Shire, and this is just the beginning."


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