Jim gives Salvos a hand

Wednesday 16th August 2023 at 12:38pm

Jim gives Salvos a hand

Rotarian Jim Rudling delivers donated boxes of paper hand-towels to Shire Salvos Miranda food relief and assistance centre.

Sydney Rotarian Jim Rudling has spent more than three decades giving fellow Aussies a helping hand through the work of Rotary and his support for various other organisations, including as a 40-year-plus Red Shield Appeal volunteer.

Although he’s retired from his paid-job, Jim is busier than ever.

Over the past month, Jim has driven the length and breadth of the city, giving away donated paper-towel to charity organisations including The Salvation Army.

“A neighbour of mine is a manager of a warehousing group and they ended up with all these boxes of hand-towels in their warehouse which hadn’t been collected for the last few years and they couldn’t contact the people that sent them to Australia,” said Jim. “So, I borrowed a big trailer and I started distributing them throughout the Sydney area. It took me about a month and I got to meet amazing people like you Salvos along the way!”

600 boxes of paper hand towels – that’s a huge helping-hand for organisations like The Salvation Army that provide food and grocery assistance to people struggling to make ends meet. Thanks Jim!


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