Making a difference in the Shire at Christmas time

Thursday 7th December 2023 at 3:02pm

Making a difference in the Shire at Christmas time

Julia and her children love helping others at Christmas time through the Shire Salvos Christmas Appeal.

Last Christmas, Julia and her daughters joined over 20,000 volunteers to help sort and distribute gifts worth $1.59 million for The Salvation Army. 

The mum and her young daughters have been volunteering with the Salvos for years, which they say enriches their family at Christmas time and beyond. Isabelle says: “I think others should do [volunteering] too. Because it shows how much you care about others and makes them feel appreciated and loved and cared for. It makes their day brighter. I’d be sad if we woke up with no presents. I don’t want other kids to feel like that.”

Zoe wholeheartedly agrees with her sister, saying, “I like helping others. It’s good to do and it’s nice.”

Julia and her husband both grew up volunteering with the Salvos and it's now become a tradition for their family.

This Christmas, Julia and her family are looking forward to volunteering again and spreading the light of goodness with people who are struggling. “It doesn’t cost us anything to sort out toys at the collection sites. But it gives us so much satisfaction and joy, and it blesses others in immeasurable ways.”

Find out how you can become a volunteer with The Salvation Army this Christmas and spread the light of goodness with people in need:


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