Services working together in the Shire

Monday 20th March 2023 at 10:45am

Services working together in the Shire

(From left) Moneycare’s Bob O’Hare, AOD caseworker Roger Boothby, and Drive for Life’s Moira Guthrie at the Sutherland Shire Community Expo which was hosted at Hopefield in Cronulla.

If you’re around anyone from Shire Salvos long enough, you’ll know that the team based in southern Sydney just love to partner – with Jesus, other churches and other organisations. So, when a local church-based charity, Hopefield, organised a Community Expo and invited Shire Salvos to be part of it, the team jumped at the chance.

The Shire Salvos Miranda food relief and assistance centre hosts a number of Salvation Army services – all working together to fulfil the mission of The Salvation Army in the local area. Representatives from Moneycare, Drive for Life and the Army’s Alcohol and other Drugs (AOD) services took part in the expo on Tuesday 7 March.

Moneycare representative, Bob O’Hare said it was good to connect with community members who attended, many of whom were worried about the increased cost of living: “Most people were having conversations surrounding the increased burden of rent costs and living costs. This is putting a very real strain on the local population.”

Representatives from each of the local services at the Expo were able to connect with each other and chat about what they do. It’s hoped that another Community Expo that will be held at Shire Salvos Miranda in September will attract more community members and further improve the working relationship of service organisations in the Sutherland Shire.


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