Tiny house making big impact

Thursday 27th January 2022 at 9:23am

Tiny house making big impact
Mark Soper inside the Designer Eco Tiny Home that was gifted to Shire Salvos in 2019.

When The Salvation Army in Sydney’s south was gifted a tiny home to assist people experiencing homelessness in 2019, it was a big answer to prayer. Since then, the little house has helped a number of individuals transition from homelessness into stable housing.

Designer Eco Tiny Homes created the 3.6 x 2.4-metre ‘studio series’ home, which contains a queen loft bedroom, lounge, TV, table, kitchenette and bathroom. The tiny house is one of a number that the company has donated to The Salvation Army.

“We have been incredibly blessed,” said Menai Salvation Army Leader Mark Soper at the time of the gifting. “One of the things our church has been praying for is to be able to house more people. Affordable housing is such a huge issue in the Sutherland Shire.”

The tiny home enables people experiencing homelessness to have a safe place to live for the short to medium term until they can secure stable housing.

Shire Salvos, which has locations in Engadine, Helensburgh, Menai, Miranda and Panania has several accommodation options to assist people in need.

Samara House offers transitional accommodation to women and children impacted by domestic violence and Chara House accommodates single women experiencing homelessness. Shire Salvos also has access to additional accommodation at reduced rent for use by people experiencing, or at risk of, homelessness.

“We’ve got ladies in their 50s and 60s who are homeless because they can’t afford to pay their rent anymore, and we’ve got guys coming out of prison and they’ve got nowhere to stay,” says Mark. “There are just so many needs in this area around housing that’s affordable for people on Newstart or low incomes.”

Shire Salvos is working on other ways to tackle the issue of affordable housing in the area, which will include transitional housing units and a community hub where people in need can access love, care and professional support.

“We exist to transform the Shire, one life at a time, with the love of Jesus,” says Mark. “And we’re not doing it alone. We believe that the unity of God’s people is key to revival. That’s why we are working alongside other churches, followers of Jesus and people of peace in our community to bring this vision to life.”


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