Volunteer drivers needed to change young lives

Wednesday 8th March 2023 at 9:20am

Volunteer drivers needed to change young lives

Drive for Life's Laurie Camilleri and Moira Guthrie at Shire Salvos Miranda.

The Salvation Army says COVID-19 lockdowns in 2020 and 2021 have caused long delays for disadvantaged young people wanting to obtain their driver’s licence being able to get lessons. It’s urging members of the public in the Sutherland Shire to volunteer to become learner-driver mentors.

The Salvation Army’s Drive for Life program supports young people aged between 16 and 25 and is designed to meet the needs of students and young adults who find it difficult to obtain their drivers licence due to various barriers in their lives. The program has only been operational in the Sutherland Shire for about a year.

The program’s Moira Guthrie says Drive for Life provides disadvantaged young people with the keys to independence, confidence, opening up pathways to employment. “I really love this job,” she says. “I see some amazing changes in young people’s lives.”

Moira liaises with local youth support agencies and works with the young person to achieve their Learners licence.

Moira says it can sometimes take months for a young person to overcome the various barriers in their life and pass their L’s test. But when they do, it’s a life-changer.

“It opens up so many opportunities to employment, it opens up their independence, setting goals, achieving them, and seeing the goal through,” she says. “Having someone [like herself] that mentors them and makes them accountable and cares… it is a huge thing for their self-esteem.”

After Drive for Life participants have achieved their Learners licence, they are ready to take the next step - getting behind the wheel, learning to drive and working towards building up the necessary logbook hours. This starts with Moira’s colleague, Laurie Camilleri, the Salvation Army’s Drive for Life driving instructor. An experienced and passionate driver-trainer, Laurie’s been behind the wheel instructing people how to drive for over 30 years. Laurie makes sure that each participant gets personalised instruction to become a safe driver on the road. His calm voice and unruffled demeanour is no doubt an asset when sitting beside a learner in Sutherland Shire traffic!

Laurie says it’s such a rewarding feeling to journey alongside a young person and see their confidence grow.

Unfortunately, there is only so much Laurie can do and the next road block to many young people’s driving journey is the lack of someone to help with supervised driving hours. A learner driver must complete 120 hours of driving before they are able to attempt the practical driving test.

The Drive for Life program makes it possible for passionate, caring people to become volunteer supervising drivers. Volunteers are intrinsic to the success of the Drive for Life program. They are provided with extensive training and ongoing support. The Salvation Army provides a fully equipped vehicle for supervised driving. Laurie will work with each participant until they are confident drivers and ready for supervised driving. It’s at this point that a volunteer will be able to take over, providing that much need ongoing support and mentorship.

“So, you got these kids that didn’t have much hope or didn’t have any vision and you start bringing them along and telling them that one day they are going to get their day of independence - their licence.” He says it’s the best feeling to be part of that journey.

“You’re not really just giving them their licence, you’re setting them up for life, really.”

If you have the time and passion and would like to volunteer as a supervising driver with The Salvation Army’s Drive for Life program, please contact Moira Guthrie at: moira.guthrie@salvationarmy.org.au


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