Alcohol and Other Drugs Services

Pathways - Miranda

Pathways Miranda provides assessment, referral and support for people who experience Alcohol, Other Drugs and Gambling issues.

This out-client (non-residential) service provides adults 18 years and over with individual and group support to assist them in recovery. Specialising in dual diagnosis, the service provides AOD and mental health education, relapse prevention, and management and strategies for harm reduction. In addition to assisting individuals, we also support families through group support and education.

Pathways Miranda is co-located with several other Salvation Army programs which provides holistic support for you and your family.

The Alcohol and other drugs (AOD) services offered from Miranda are:

  • 1:1 Case Management
  • Access to support group (Foundations Program)
  • Assessment into residential services if required

If you or someone you know is seeking asstiance with Alcohol and Other Drugs, please contact Miranda Pathways on 0476 533 601 or 0477 960 337.

Family support services are also available, this is supporting families and/or friends that are concerned about a persons AOD use.
