Reconnect - Youth Counselling

Reconnect - Youth Counselling

Reconnect is an individual counselling service that is committed to providing young people and families with the support they need to help restore healthy relations within the family and wider community. The young person is between the ages of 12-18, and are at risk of early home leaving or are homeless. Additionally, there are mental health concerns in the family and/or young person.  

We achieve this by: 

  • Offering confidential, flexible and individualised services to fit our client’s needs.  
  • Assisting young people to reconnect with education, training and employment. 
  • Providing psychoeducational groups. 

Goals of Intervention include: 

Family reconciliation which includes a broad spectrum of outcomes such as: 

  • Developing ongoing positive relationships with family members  Establishing a viable support system for the independent young person. 
  • The young person returning home or securing appropriate alternative accommodation.  
  • Engagement of the young person with employment, education, training, and the wider community. 
  • Engaging with parents and assisting parents to access relevant support networks. 
  • Providing support and resources in relation to mental health issues.  

Principles applied in achieving successful interventions include: 

  • Easily accessible services, through immediacy of response, outreach, and relevant promotion.  
  • Flexible, holistic approach to service delivery for young people and their families, which empowers families to sustain their own change process.  
  • Using the philosophy of a strength based, solution focused approach.  
  • Working in collaboration with other services and agencies.  
  • Culturally and contextually appropriate service delivery. 
  • Ongoing review and evaluation, using action research in a process of continual service development.  

Referrals are welcome and can be made by service providers, friends, families and the young people themselves. To access our referral form please visit 
