Garden Group

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Garden Groupies

Come and join us as we make the most of our garden space to grow lovely flowers or veges. The garden was recently updated in June by the Rotary On Hunter Rotary Club, what a blessing. We would love to use it as much as possible, so if you want to drop by and have alook please do. It is a great place to just sit and let the world go past. There is something special about watching new life start in a freshly prepared garden bed. There will be plenty of opportunity to get your hand dirty weeding, planting, mowing and watering our crops. 

For more details contact us:

Michelle Edwards – 6572 2690 or 0447 518803

Jean in the garden built by Rotary Club of Singleton on Hunter

Amazing Natural beauty of flowers

Sunflower are GOD's cheer up message

...and veges love it here too!