Justice Stocktake 2025

A young woman gets set up into her new, clean, safe accomodation.
A young family of four share a laugh
A older man smiles as he sips a warm coffee.
New suburban rooftops dream under a clouded sky.

Welcome to the Social Justice Stocktake 2025

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 Captain Brad McIver conducts an interview .

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Working for justice is at the heart of what The Salvation Army does in Australia. It is integral to our ethos, our mission and our vision.

In our inaugural Stocktake, The Salvation Army wanted to get to the heart of what people were seeing in their local communities, and from there build a map of social justice priorities across Australia. We found surprising agreement about the issues affecting communities right across Australia, regardless of where they are and how they vote. We heard that many people feel overwhelmed, even hopeless, when asked how Australia can address the issues they see in their local communities.

In 2024 we again checked in across the nation – with almost 16,000 Australians across every state and territory and in every electorate. This time there was even more consensus about the top issues affecting individuals and communities. An extraordinary 71 per cent of survey respondents reported that housing affordability and homelessness was a key issue in their community. The majority of respondents also agreed that mental health, financial hardship, and access to health care were in the top five issues facing their communities.

The sentiment of respondents was different this time. In 2021 we heard a sense of helplessness about addressing social injustice. This year there was also an overwhelming sense of urgency in response to perceived governmental inaction – many respondents left messages calling on decision-makers to put politics aside and prioritise action.

So instead of just providing our findings, we’ve tried to arm readers with practical solutions and pathways towards the changes they want to see in their communities. We firmly believe that every social justice issue can be addressed. Every person can make a difference. Together, we can make an even greater difference.

Results at a glance

Top 5 issues for community Total
Housing affordability and homelessness 71.0%
Mental health 57.6%
Financial hardship and inclusion 53.2%
Access to health care 50.4%
Alcohol and drug misuse 43.4%
Top 5 issues for self Total
Mental health 40.3%
Housing affordability and homelessness 36.5%
Financial hardship and inclusion 32.31%
Climate change 30.3%
Access to health care 30.1%

The National Report

A silohette of Australia

Social Justice in Australia in 2025

The sentiment of respondents was different this time. In 2021 we heard a sense of helplessness about addressing social injustice. This year there was also an overwhelming sense of urgency in response to perceived governmental inaction — many respondents left messages calling on decision-makers to put politics aside and prioritise action.

Read the National Report

By Issue

By State or Territory

By Electorate