Justice Stocktake 2025

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples are part of the oldest living culture in the world, but they are also amongst the Australians who experience the most disadvantage. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities experience lower life expectancy and poorer health outcomes, while encountering higher rates of infant and maternal mortality,[1] family and domestic violence, suicide, and incarceration.
There are both historical and current contributors to this disadvantage, and the experience of colonialism[2] and suppression of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures have an ongoing negative effect on people from these cultures. Many of the drivers of disadvantage are systemic and structural. This means that as well as addressing disadvantage as it is experienced, we also need to address the underlying structures which cause, or lead to, discrimination and hardship.
In Australia, successive governments have committed to “Closing the Gap” between outcomes experienced by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and those enjoyed by non-Indigenous Australians, but we are not making the progress that was intended.
The Productivity Commission Review report in February 2024 emphasised the need for a departure from a tokenistic approach and encourages governments to involve Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people,[3] organisations, and communities in assessing and addressing institutional racism and unconscious bias. The report also highlights the importance of empowering Indigenous communities to drive their own solutions and participate actively in decision-making processes
Only five out of 19 “Closing the Gap” targets are on track. Children thriving in early childhood, imprisonment rates, the proportion of children in out-of-home care, and social and emotional wellbeing, have all worsened in recent years[4]
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children represent 44 per cent of children in out-of-home care but make up only six per cent of Australia’s children.[5]
In 2021, 58 per cent of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples aged 15-24 were fully engaged in employment, education, or training, compared to 88 per cent of Australians in the same age bracket.[6]
The most recent “Closing the Gap” review identified that the life expectancy gap between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians was still substantial (8.6 years for males and 7.8 years for females).[7]
Governments have committed to “Closing the Gap” but there are still issues with how the policies and programs created to close the gap are designed and implemented. It is critical that governments co-design and work with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in good faith to design programs that are truly fit for purpose and culturally appropriate.
The Commonwealth Government has committed to implementing the Uluru Statement from the Heart in full. In the wake of the “No” referendum result in 2023, it is critical that action to address historic and contemporary injustices, and centre Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander voices in every conversation that concerns them, is maintained.
Any organisation can make a commitment to reconciliation. We can encourage the businesses and organisations we are involved with to develop a Reconciliation Action Plan.
In our workplaces we can ensure a safe and inclusive environment for Indigenous employees by implementing cultural awareness and competency training programs to foster understanding and respect for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures, histories, and perspectives.
When we are organising events, we can work with our local Traditional Owners as well as Indigenous organisations and groups to ensure the event respects Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture. We can foster partnerships with Indigenous-owned businesses and suppliers to create economic opportunities within Indigenous communities and contribute to sustainable economic development.
We can commit to learning more about the shared history of this land — even when that history is challenging or painful. We can then use that knowledge to show support and respect, such as using Indigenous place names or supporting Indigenous organisations, businesses, and events.
Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. (2023). Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander mothers and babies. [Link] ↩︎
Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. (2024). Profile of First Nations people. [Link] ↩︎
Productivity Commission. (2024). Review of the National Agreement on Closing the Gap: Study report. [Link] ↩︎
Productivity Commission. (2024). Closing the Gap Information Repository. [Link] ↩︎
Productivity Commission. (2024). Closing the Gap Information Repository. [Link] ↩︎
Productivity Commission. (n.d.). Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander youth are engaged in employment or education - Dashboard. Closing the Gap Information Repository – Productivity Commission. [Link] ↩︎
Productivity Commission. (2024). Closing the Gap: Annual Data Compilation Report July 2024. [Link] ↩︎