Justice Stocktake 2025

A young woman gets set up into her new, clean, safe accomodation.
A young family of four share a laugh
A older man smiles as he sips a warm coffee.
New suburban rooftops dream under a clouded sky.
Home | Gender inequality and inequity

Gender inequality and inequity

Gender inequality refers to the unequal treatment or perceptions of individuals based on their gender. It encompasses social, economic, political, and cultural dimensions, and often results in discrimination and disadvantage for individuals based on their gender identity or expression. Ignorance and discrimination against people who are non-binary, or transgender, are also examples of gender inequality and inequity.

Discrimination can happen against people of any gender. The most common form of gender-based discrimination is against women, but any discrimination on the basis of gender is harmful.

Although women make up over half the population in Australia, they are underrepresented in almost all places of influence. Across every industry in Australia, women are paid less than men[1] and they are also disproportionately more likely to be doing unpaid work at home.[2]

Gender-based violence, including domestic violence, sexual harassment, and harmful traditional practices such as child marriage and female genital mutilation, are significant manifestations of gender inequality. Discriminatory laws and social norms can perpetuate violence and limit survivors’ access to justice and support services. Gender equality promotes and protects the safety and wellbeing of people of all genders.[3]

Gender inequality is also harming our economic and social interests. Discrimination and unsupportive workplace practices deprive our society of the full contributions of women, especially in leadership roles.[4] Gender equality and women’s economic security has the potential to benefit boys and men too, through increased personal wellbeing, happier relationships, greater economic growth, and more peaceful societies.[5]

Australian women approaching retirement have 23.1 per cent less superannuation than men of the same age.[6]

12% Australia’s full-time gender pay gap

Australia’s full-time gender pay gap is 12 per cent, with women earning an average $238 per week less than men.[7]

Australia's overall pay gap 43rd in the world

The World Economic Forum annual global gender gap index indicates that Australia’s overall pay gap was 43rd in the world in 2022.[8]

The “typical” Australian man spends five hours less per week doing housework than the “typical” Australian woman.[9]


We have the power to make a difference

We can urge action from our governments

Governments can actively implement policies that promote women’s independence and decision-making, both in public and private. For example, policy changes that allow for a more even distribution of childcare responsibilities have the potential to enhance women’s workforce engagement and reduce gender inequities.

Governments can also set the example for gender equality by ensuring equitable paid leave and superannuation arrangements for public sector workers so that informal care and pregnancy do not lead to long-term disadvantage.

We can implement change in our community and our workplaces

Our workplaces can promote gender equity by reviewing policies and procedures — for example, developing policies and procedures that ensure pay equity, flexible work opportunities, and family violence leave.

Businesses and community groups can actively work to create a safe and respectful culture that values, supports, and celebrates leadership opportunities and career progression for women.

Community groups and businesses can have respectful and safe conversations to educate people on how attitudes within our community may be contributing to gender inequality. We can look to our own leadership and decision-making structures to ensure women have equal voices.

We can have influence in our personal lives

All individuals, irrespective of gender, need to call out sexism – both overt and covert. We can challenge language and images that suggest that women are less than men.

We can challenge our own unconscious bias that allows for gender inequality to exist in our own lives. We can question constructions of masculinity that suggest men are aggressive or dominant, constructions of femininity that suggest women are passive or subordinate, and constructions of gender that allow only for a strict binary.

  1. 116 Workplace Gender Equality Agency. (2024). What is the gender pay gap? [Link] ↩︎

  2. Australian Bureau of Statistics. (2022, October 7). Females do more unpaid work, males do more paid work [Media release]. [Link] females-do-more-unpaid-work-males-do-more-paid-work ↩︎

  3. Workplace Gender Equality Agency. (2020). Gender Equality in Australia – A Guide to Gender Equality in 2020. [Link] UN Women. (2018). Facts and Figures: Economic Empowerment. [Link] ↩︎

  4. Workplace Gender Equality Agency. (2022). Australia’s Gender Equality Scorecard. [Link] ↩︎

  5. Hudson, V.M., Ballif-Spanvill, B., Caprioli, M., and Emmett, C.F. (2014). Sex & World Peace. Columbia University Press Schieman, S., Ruppanner, L., & Milkie, M.A. (2018). Who Helps with Homework? Parenting Inequality and Relationship Quality Among Employed Mothers and Fathers. Journal of Family and Economics, 39, 49–65. [Link] McKinsey Global Institute. (2015). The Power of Parity: How advancing women’s equality can add $12 trillion to global growth. [Link] ↩︎

  6. Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet. (2023). Status of Women Report Card – 2023. [Link] ↩︎

  7. Workplace Gender Equality Agency. (2023). The ABS Data Gender Pay Gap. [Link] ↩︎

  8. World Economic Forum. (2022). Global Gender Gap Report 2022: Insight Report. [Link] ↩︎

  9. Australian Bureau of Statistics. (2022, October 7). Females do more unpaid work, males do more paid work [Media release]. [Link] ↩︎