Justice Stocktake 2025

Homelessness is a widespread and serious issue in Australia — on any given night, 122,494 people in Australia are homeless;[1] however the number is likely much higher given the numbers of people not recorded as “no fixed address” and the increasing impact of a tight rental market.
Homelessness is when a person does not have suitable accommodation — that might mean that a person’s dwelling is inadequate, they do not have any security that they can stay where they are or they do not have control over their space.[2] Homelessness is a result of systemic and structural issues such as poverty, low income, and a lack of safe, affordable housing. The cost of homelessness to individuals, our community and economy is enormous, and increases the longer the individual remains homeless.
People who have experienced family and domestic violence, young people, children on care and protection orders, Indigenous Australians, people leaving health or social care arrangements, and Australians aged 45 or older are among some of the people most likely to experience homelessness.[3] Housing affordability relates to the relationship between expenditure on housing (prices, mortgage payments or rents) and household incomes. Any type of housing (including rental housing or home ownership, permanent or temporary, for-profit, or not-for-profit) is considered affordable if it costs less than 30 per cent of household income.
Access to appropriate, affordable, and secure housing is the basis of any individual and family’s engagement in work, education and social participation. In real terms, having a safe and secure home means having the breathing space to focus on thriving.
In 2021, 23 per cent of all people experiencing homelessness were aged between 12 and 24.[4]
Around 640,000 households in Australia are not having their housing needs met.[5]
As at June 2022, there were 174,600 households waiting to be allocated public housing, with 68,000 of these households being considered of “greatest need”.[6]
In a 2024 snapshot, it was found that only three rentals across the entire country were affordable for a single person receiving the JobSeeker Payment and there were no affordable rentals for someone receiving Youth Allowance.[7]
In 2019-20, approximately one million low-income households were in financial housing stress, meaning they were spending more than 30 per cent of their income on housing.[8]
All governments can commit to ending homelessness. This will involve all governments working together to address the structural drivers of homelessness such as poverty, low income, and the lack of social and affordable housing.
Critically, while the Housing Australia Future Fund is a start, it is critical that funding for affordable housing is not at the expense of social housing — both need to be fully funded. Governments need to work together to rapidly increase access to social housing, committing to building up social housing stock to be at least 10 per cent of total housing stock. This will relieve pressure across the entire housing continuum.
Homelessness is extremely isolating and there are many places in our community where people experiencing homelessness do not feel welcome. Our community groups can ensure they remain open to people who are homeless by keeping the cost of activities and membership as low as possible or considering arrangements for lower fees for people experiencing financial hardship. Places of business can also make sure that people experiencing homelessness are welcome and do not experience stigma or discrimination when they are in public spaces. Community groups and businesses that have facilities might investigate whether they can create events or opportunities to share those facilities, such as having community dinners. We might also be able to make facilities such as showers and toilets available for use by members of the public who may not have access to a safe and secure place themselves.
There is a lot of stigma and shame associated with experiencing homelessness. We can treat people experiencing homelessness or housing stress with dignity and respect. If we see someone in the street experiencing homelessness, we can stop and engage.
Australian Bureau of Statistics. (2023). Estimating Homelessness. [Link] ↩︎
This is a loose paraphrasing of the more robust statistical definition used by the Australian Bureau of Statistics - [Link] ↩︎
House of Representatives Standing Committee on Social Policy and Legal Affairs. (2021). Final report: Inquiry into homelessness in Australia. [Link] ↩︎
Australian Bureau of Statistics. (2023). Estimating Homelessness. [Link] ↩︎
Van Den Nouwelant, R., Troy, L., & Soundararaj, B. (2022). Quantifying Australia’s Unmet Housing Need: A National Snapshot. Community Housing Industry Association, University of New South Wales City Futures Research Centre, University of Sydney. [Link] ↩︎
Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. (2023). Housing Assistance in Australia. [Link] ↩︎
Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. (2023). Housing Assistance in Australia. [Link] ↩︎
Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. (2023). Housing Affordability. [Link] ↩︎