Justice Stocktake 2025

Older Australians make an enormous contribution to Australian society. In addition to their social contributions, older people contribute almost $39 billion each year to the Australian economy in unpaid caring and volunteer work.[1] We are living for longer, which means that Australia’s population is ageing.[2]
Older Australians live longer and healthier lives than those in earlier generations, but many older people still experience considerable hardship. Older people (65 years plus) are especially at risk of falling into poverty, homelessness, and housing insecurity. This is primarily because the Age Pension has not kept step with the rising cost of living (and particularly, the rising cost of housing for those renting or with a mortgage).
One in three older Australians report experiencing some form of age-related discrimination, including employment-related discrimination.[3] The Australian Human Rights Commission found that older people are shut out of paid work because of age discrimination during recruitment, in the workplace, and in decisions about training and promotion.[4]
Over one in three people over the age of 65 (37 per cent or 1.2 million people) were born overseas,[5] with older Australians speaking over 260 different languages.[6] Other issues experienced by all older Australians can be more pronounced for people from a culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) background, including social isolation, poor access to health care, and loneliness.[7]
Transitional life changes can increase the risk of, or act as, a trigger for loneliness. Over 15 per cent of Australians aged 65 and over report feeling lonely,[8] with rates of loneliness higher among older people living in residential aged care.[9] Research shows that older people experiencing loneliness and social isolation are also more likely to experience social exclusion and significant health problems.[10] There is so much that we can do as a nation to value and support older people in our communities.
Older people made up about 16 per cent of the total Australian population in 2020.87[11]
The number of Australians aged 85 years and over is projected to double by 2042, increasing to over one million.[12]
63 per cent of people aged 65 and over (2.8 million people) receive income support payments, primarily the Age Pension.[13]
Approximately one in seven older Australians experience elder abuse each year.[14]
Governments need to work together to develop a national policy to promote healthy ageing with consideration of the differing and diverse needs of older Australians. This policy needs to consider the rapid growth of the population of older Australians and the desire of most older Australians to remain in their communities as they age.
Governments also need to develop strategies and programs for older Australians, including education around digital literacy and safety, accessible transport, financial literacy, elder abuse, social connection and loneliness, training to (re)enter the workforce, and increased volunteerism. These programs must be informed by lived experience and evidence-informed research about the needs of older Australians.
In our workplaces we need to recognise the huge contribution older Australians continue to make, and ensure equal opportunities in recruitment, training, and career progression. There should be no place for ageism and age-related discrimination in the workplace.
Community groups are crucial in addressing the social isolation and loneliness that some older Australians experience. When recruiting members, and planning events and activities, we can make sure that we are being welcoming and accessible for older Australians so we can all benefit from what they bring.
We almost certainly already have older people who are valuable parts of our lives. We can make sure we are reaching out so we can enjoy their company. We can also recognise that a difference in age is no barrier to making new friends.
We can be agents of change if we witness discrimination against older people in the community and in the workplace.
Australian Human Rights Commission. (2014). Face the Facts: Older Australians, 2014. [Link] ↩︎
World Health Organization. (2022, October 1). Ageing and health. [Link] Australian Bureau of Statistics. (2023). (2022-base---2071). Population Projections, Australia. ABS [Link] ↩︎
COTA Australia. (2023). State of the (Older) Nation. [Link] ↩︎
Australian Human Rights Commission. (2022, July 27). Age Discrimination in Employment. Australian Human Rights Commission. [Link] ↩︎
Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. (2023). Older Australians. [Link] ↩︎
Ardila, A., & Ramos, E. (2008). Normal and abnormal aging in bilinguals. Dementia & neuropsychologia, 2(4), 242–247. [Link] ↩︎
End of Life Directions for Aged Care. (2022, April 11). Culturally and Linguistically Diverse – Population Groups. End of Life Directions for Aged Care. [Link] ↩︎
Wilkins, R., Vera-Toscano, E., & Botha, F. (2024) The Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia Survey: Selected Findings from Waves 1 to 21. Melbourne Institute: Applied Economic & Social Research, the University of Melbourne. [Link] ↩︎
Gardiner, C., Laud, P., Heaton, T., & Gott, M. (2020). What is the prevalence of loneliness amongst older people living in residential and nursing care homes? A systematic review and meta-analysis. Age and Ageing, 49(5),748-757. [Link] ↩︎
Barbosa Neves, B., Sanders, A., & Kokanović, R. (2019). “It’s the worst bloody feeling in the world”: Experiences of loneliness and social isolation among older people living in care homes. Journal of Aging Studies, 49, 74-84.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jaging.2019.100785 ↩︎
Australian Bureau of Statistics. (2020, December). National, state and territory population. ABS. [Link] ↩︎
COTA Australia. (2023). State of the (Older) Nation. [Link] ↩︎
Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. (2023). Income support for older Australians. [Link] ↩︎
Qu, L., Kaspiew, R., Carson, R., Roopani, D., De Maio, J., Harvey, J., & Horsfall, B. (2021). National Elder Abuse Prevalence Study: Final Report. (Research Report). [Link] ↩︎