Justice Stocktake 2025

People often associate social isolation and loneliness with the COVID-19 pandemic but this has been an issue in our community for a long time. Social isolation and loneliness are different but related.
Social isolation is a measure of meaningful social connection and interaction while loneliness is the unpleasant feeling that may come about because of social isolation. There are many causes of social isolation and loneliness. Social isolation can result from several factors, including geographical remoteness, life transitions, and societal changes.
Many older people experience loneliness and social disconnectedness due to factors such as retirement, loss of loved ones, and physical health limitations. Young people in Australia also face challenges related to social isolation. Despite being more connected than ever through online platforms, many young people report feelings of loneliness and disconnection, which can impact their self-esteem, mental health, and sense of belonging.
There is a clear relationship between financial hardship and social isolation and loneliness.
People experiencing poverty or financial hardship are often forced into social isolation and develop feelings of loneliness. People experiencing loneliness have a higher risk of mental ill health, particularly depression and anxiety. This can start a feedback loop, as people who are anxious or feeling depressed may isolate themselves further as a coping mechanism. Loneliness can have other implications too, including poorer physical health, pain and sleep disorders, and even gastrointestinal disease.
Once a person experiences the negative implications of social isolation and loneliness, it can lead to other forms of disadvantage, including difficulty maintaining employment, housing, and other relationships. This is why it is so important to foster meaningful and purposeful social connections, and a sense of belonging and community inclusion (while providing accessible resources and support services), so all individuals feel valued, connected, and supported in their communities.
In August 2022, about one in 20 (4.8 per cent) Australians reported never meeting socially with friends, colleagues or relatives. This is more than double pre-pandemic levels of isolation.[1]
Young people (aged 18-24) were most likely to report high levels of loneliness throughout the pandemic.[2]
People who are moderately lonely are twice as likely to have chronic disease as people who are not lonely.[3]
46 per cent of people say they are too embarrassed to admit it to others when they feel lonely.[4]
Governments can lead the conversation on social isolation and loneliness by creating frameworks of accountability such as developing ways of measuring social isolation and loneliness and appointing a minister with responsibility for minimising social isolation.
Governments of all levels can work to address service gaps that can cause people experiencing hardship (such as family and domestic violence, homelessness, substance misuse, and mental ill health) to be pushed into isolation and loneliness.
Community groups have huge power to address loneliness and social isolation. This might involve dedicated outreach to attract more participants to events or activities, or checking in and building deeper connections with currently active members.
Workplaces are an important element of many people’s social lives. We can provide constructive social interaction for employees but we can also see our businesses as opportunities for social connection with customers and community members.
To foster connection, social programs need to be welcoming to a broad cohort, and flexible and adaptable to a specific community’s needs. Community groups can be collaborative and interconnected to support those with more intensive needs.
We can address social isolation and loneliness in ourselves and in our community by being open to building social connections across all aspects of our lives, from our neighbourhoods, workplaces, community groups, and family.
We can learn how to identify and support someone experiencing social isolation and loneliness. This can have a profound impact on the people around us.
Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. (2023). Social Isolation and loneliness. [Link] ↩︎
Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. (2023). Social Isolation and loneliness. [Link] ↩︎
Ending Loneliness Together. (2023). State of the Nation Report: Social Connection in Australia 2023. [Link] ↩︎
Ending Loneliness Together. (2023). State of the Nation Report: Social Connection in Australia 2023. [Link] ↩︎