Justice Stocktake 2025

A young woman gets set up into her new, clean, safe accomodation.
A young family of four share a laugh
A older man smiles as he sips a warm coffee.
New suburban rooftops dream under a clouded sky.
Home | Treatment of refugees and asylum seekers

Treatment of refugees and asylum seekers

The United Nations defines a refugee as “any person who, owing to a well-founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion, is outside the country of his/ her nationality and is unable or, owing to such fear, unwilling to avail himself/herself of the protection of that country.”[1]

Australia is party to the UN Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees (Refugee Convention) and its Protocol, which creates minimum standards and broad obligations surrounding the fair and humane treatment of refugees. We have obligations to protect the human rights of all asylum seekers and refugees, regardless of how or where they arrive in Australia, and their visa status. We have also committed to preventing refoulement — the return or expulsion of persons from a country they seek protection from, if their life or freedom is threatened or there is risk of irreparable harm or human rights violations upon return.

Communities which promote solidarity, diversity, and which welcome multicultural communities, are essential in sharing the global responsibility for all people who are displaced by violence, persecution, or who face grave dangers and cannot be protected by their own government. In the past decade, the number of people displaced from their home worldwide has doubled, with approximately 110 million people displaced in mid-2023.[2] Of these, 62.5 million people remain displaced within their country of nationality and 47.8 million are seeking international protections.[3]

47m refugees are children

47 million refugees are children, and 1.9 million children were born as refugees.[4]

75 per cent of the world’s refugees and people seeking international protection are hosted by low- and middle-income countries.[5]

Australia recognised or resettled 180,073 refugees over 10 years to dec 2022

Over the 10 years to December 2022, Australia recognised or resettled 180,073 refugees, 0.75 per cent of the global total of 23.99 million refugees recognised or resettled in that period.[6]

We have the power to make a difference

We can urge action from our governments

The Commonwealth Government can enact and reform legislation that promotes the fair, just and humane treatment of refugees and asylum seekers. Policies should prioritise compassion, be non-criminalising and rights-focused, and uphold international human rights obligations, including the UN Refugee Convention.

Australia can collaborate with international bodies to address global displacement issues, and provide targeted assistance for those experiencing humanitarian need. This could include increasing refugee resettlement quotas and expanding complementary pathways programs, to provide more opportunities for those in need of protection to access safety and security within Australia.

Governments can provide support to initiatives driven by the community that are working towards helping refugees become valued members of our communities.

We can implement change in our community and our workplaces

All organisations can foster a culture of inclusion, diversity, and understanding. This could include supporting initiatives that educate the public about the experiences of refugees and asylum seekers to counter misinformation.

In workplaces we can create and expand opportunities for refugees and asylum seekers and implement inclusive hiring practices that recognise diverse skills and experiences. Refugees and asylum seekers have so much to offer.

Local communities can also explore sponsoring and welcoming refugee families through community refugee sponsorship programs.

We can have influence in our personal lives

As individuals, we can stay informed about the challenges faced by refugees and asylum seekers. We can minimise stigma by dispelling myths and misconceptions by educating friends, family, and colleagues.

We can contribute financially, donate goods, or volunteer our time to organisations providing essential services to refugees.

  1. Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees (Refugee Convention), opened for signature 28 July 1951, 189 UNTS 150 (entered into force 22 April 1954) ↩︎

  2. UNHCR. (2023). Refugee Data Finder. [Link] ↩︎

  3. UNHCR. (2023). Refugee Data Finder. [Link] ↩︎

  4. UNHCR. (2023). Refugee Data Finder. [Link] ↩︎

  5. UNHCR. (2023). Refugee Data Finder. [Link] ↩︎

  6. Refugee Council of Australia. (2023). Is Australia’s Response to Refugees Generous? An Analysis of UNHCR Global Trends Statistics from 2013 to 2022. [Link] ↩︎