Social justice in Werriwa
The most striking result from the Stocktake is the extraordinary consensus across Australia about what issues we are seeing.
66.0% identified mental health as an issue in their community
Mental health was the top issue identified by people in Werriwa in terms of the community and for themselves. At the last Stocktake, mental health was identified by around 51.5 per cent of people in Werriwa. At the last Census, in Werriwa, 5 per cent of people reported being diagnosed with a long-term mental health condition, including depression or anxiety[1]. Mental health is connected to every other social justice concern raised in this report and particularly linked with housing stress and homelessness[2]. The Salvation Army's own experience has shown that mental ill health can drive and result from other forms of disadvantage as well as exacerbate and be exacerbated by other experiences of hardship. When we consider mental health, we need to consider that a purely medical response must be complemented by actions that address underlying disadvantage. The best possible clinical care will be less effective if a person is living in their car or unsafe in their home.
Werriwa, like the rest of Australia, is experiencing a housing crisis. In Werriwa, 63.1 per cent of people identified housing affordability and homelessness as an issue in the community and 31.1 per cent identified it as an issue for themselves. This is even higher than the result recorded in the 2022 Social Justice Stocktake of 47.5 per cent for housing affordability and 28.7 per cent for homelessness. The best estimates available suggest there are around 979 people experiencing homelessness in Werriwa alone[3] and there is an unmet housing need of 5500 dwellings[4]. Not having a safe and secure home makes every part of life more difficult. Addressing issues in the housing system (and ending homelessness) is foundational to addressing the other social justice issues identified in this report.
The rising cost of living has impacted everyone in Australia in some way and Werriwa is no exception. 61.2 per cent of respondents in Werriwa reported that financial hardship and inclusion was an issue in their community and 27.2 per cent identified it when thinking about themselves. This compares with 23.8 per cent who identified the same issue for the community in the 2022 Stocktake. Though the overall child poverty rate in NSW is 15.1 per cent, it is much higher in some areas, for example the area of Ashcroft - Busby - Miller in Werriwa, where the child poverty rate is 39.4 per cent[5]. Roughly 10,945 people living in Werriwa are reliant on JobSeeker or Youth Allowance[6]. The rates of both these payments is demonstrably too low and have the unintended consequence of trapping people in poverty.
When respondents to the Stocktake survey considered issues in their community, alcohol and drug misuse appeared in the top five of 120 electorates and seven of the eight states and territories. 42.7 per cent identified it as an issue in the community in Werriwa. Across NSW, the rate of drug-induced deaths was slightly lower than the national average of 6.9 deaths per 100,000, with 6.2 deaths per 100,000[7]. The proportion of drug-induced deaths in NSW was highest for people living in major city areas (76 per cent), and the highest rate of drug-induced deaths was also recorded among people in major city areas[8]. Across Werriwa's local primary health network, the rate of drug-induced deaths was higher than the state average, with 7.9 deaths per 100,000[9]. Interestingly, alcohol and other drug misuse did not appear as a top five issue when respondents considered themselves in any electorate, state or territory. Although we did not collect information to explain this difference it is reasonable to assume that media attention to harm caused by alcohol and other drugs may have made this issue front of mind for respondents.
The electorate of Werriwa contains the area of Ashcroft - Busby - Miller, where in March 2024 15.8 per cent of people were experiencing unemployment[10]. This rate is higher than the national unemployment rate at that time of 3.9 per cent[11].
In Werriwa, 22.3 per cent of people identified climate change as an issue in the community and 21.4 per cent identified it as an issue for themselves. This meant that while it was not in the top five issues in the community, it was the fourth most common response when people considered their own lives. The Climate Risk Map predicts that by 2050 with a 'medium' emission scenario, 2.3 per cent of properties in Werriwa will be at risk[12]. An extraordinary 84 per cent of people in Australia have identified that they personally have been affected by a climate event or extreme weather[13] so it is an indication of how serious the other social justice issues are that climate change, while ranking highly, does not rank higher.
Werriwa echoed the general sentiment of Australia when asked what could be done about these issues and what decision-makers needed to know. We heard from respondents in Werriwa a strong sense of urgency as well as reflection on the need for politics to be put to the side and immediate action taken.
“I would like the government – both Federal and State to sit down and address these issues and do something about them.”
“That they are quite nuanced and it's important to remember the humanity of the situation, instead of focusing on how many people it affects, etc. People's lives shouldn't be neglected due to them coming from a smaller town and not giving fair and equal attention will only increase the disparities.”
Mental health
Mental health and wellbeing, just like physical health, exist on a spectrum. Mental illnesses, such as anxiety, depression, and substance abuse disorders are common, affecting millions of Australians of all ages and backgrounds. It is also important to recognise that less severe mental health concerns still undermine the mental wellbeing of too many Australians.
Any number of factors can contribute to a person’s experience of mental ill health, particularly economic stresses such as unemployment and homelessness, and social factors including family and domestic violence, discrimination and exclusion, loneliness and social isolation. Minor mental health problems can develop into more significant illness and this can have monumental negative impacts upon every component of a person’s work, social and family life. People experiencing significant mental illness can find it difficult to maintain employment, stable housing, connection to loved ones, and even physical health.
While significant progress has been made in recent years to raise awareness and improve access to mental health services, challenges persist in addressing the diverse needs of the population. Access to mental health services remains a critical issue, particularly in regional and remote areas where services are often limited or inaccessible. Long wait times, high costs, and a lack of culturally appropriate services can create barriers to seeking help for those in need. Additionally, stigma surrounding mental illness continues to deter individuals from seeking support and can exacerbate feelings of shame and isolation.
Mental illness does not discriminate. It is important that anyone experiencing mental ill health can access timely, non-judgmental and effective support so everyone can achieve and maintain mental health and wellbeing.
People living with mental ill health are likelier to develop a physical illness and are more likely to be hospitalised for preventable reasons.[14]
People living with mental illnesses have a life expectancy 10 to 15 years shorter than the general population, and this trend is growing.[15]
44% experienced mental ill health
44 per cent of the population, approximately 8.6 million Australians, have experienced mental ill health at some point in their life.[16]
4.2M in the past 12 months
21 per cent of Australians (4.2 million people) have experienced mental ill health in the past 12 months.[17]
We have the power to make a difference

We can urge action from our governments
Economic and social factors can negatively impact a person’s mental health. Systemic issues such as poverty, housing insecurity, family and domestic violence and other social and economic factors need to be addressed for any mental health strategy to be effective.
Governments can work together to implement diverse, ambitious, evidence-based trial programs to explore new approaches and deliver active outreach. One key priority is fixing the issue of the “missing middle” of mental health care provision, to address mental ill health before a person reaches a crisis.
We can implement change in our community and our workplaces
It is critical that workplaces treat employees’ and volunteers’ mental health and wellbeing as an element of Workplace Health and Safety (WHS). One action workplaces can take is to offer relevant staff and volunteers, including managers, leaders and senior staff members, training in mental health first aid just as we do physical first aid.
Our community groups can be powerful in providing social connection that can build resilience against mental ill health. It is important that we make sure that our events, activities, and spaces are welcoming for all people and do not create stigma around mental ill health.
We can have influence in our personal lives
In our own lives we can find strategies to build positive mental health and wellbeing. This includes asking for help when it is needed and finding out about local supports and services to foster positive mental health and address mental health concerns.
We can talk to the people in our lives if we are worried about their mental health, ask if they are okay, listen and help them to access support. If you are not sure what to say, there are helpful resources online.
Housing affordability and homelessness
Homelessness is a widespread and serious issue in Australia — on any given night, 122,494 people in Australia are homeless;[18] however the number is likely much higher given the numbers of people not recorded as “no fixed address” and the increasing impact of a tight rental market.
Homelessness is when a person does not have suitable accommodation — that might mean that a person’s dwelling is inadequate, they do not have any security that they can stay where they are or they do not have control over their space.[19] Homelessness is a result of systemic and structural issues such as poverty, low income, and a lack of safe, affordable housing. The cost of homelessness to individuals, our community and economy is enormous, and increases the longer the individual remains homeless.
People who have experienced family and domestic violence, young people, children on care and protection orders, Indigenous Australians, people leaving health or social care arrangements, and Australians aged 45 or older are among some of the people most likely to experience homelessness.[20] Housing affordability relates to the relationship between expenditure on housing (prices, mortgage payments or rents) and household incomes. Any type of housing (including rental housing or home ownership, permanent or temporary, for-profit, or not-for-profit) is considered affordable if it costs less than 30 per cent of household income.
Access to appropriate, affordable, and secure housing is the basis of any individual and family’s engagement in work, education and social participation. In real terms, having a safe and secure home means having the breathing space to focus on thriving.
23% experiencing homelessness 12-24 yrs old
In 2021, 23 per cent of all people experiencing homelessness were aged between 12 and 24.[21]
640K Households
Around 640,000 households in Australia are not having their housing needs met.[22]
174.6K waiting
As at June 2022, there were 174,600 households waiting to be allocated public housing, with 68,000 of these households being considered of “greatest need”.[23]
In a 2024 snapshot, it was found that only three rentals across the entire country were affordable for a single person receiving the JobSeeker Payment and there were no affordable rentals for someone receiving Youth Allowance.[24]
1M low-income households
In 2019-20, approximately one million low-income households were in financial housing stress, meaning they were spending more than 30 per cent of their income on housing.[25]
We have the power to make a difference
We can urge action from our governments
All governments can commit to ending homelessness. This will involve all governments working together to address the structural drivers of homelessness such as poverty, low income, and the lack of social and affordable housing.
Critically, while the Housing Australia Future Fund is a start, it is critical that funding for affordable housing is not at the expense of social housing — both need to be fully funded. Governments need to work together to rapidly increase access to social housing, committing to building up social housing stock to be at least 10 per cent of total housing stock. This will relieve pressure across the entire housing continuum.
We can implement change in our community and our workplaces
Homelessness is extremely isolating and there are many places in our community where people experiencing homelessness do not feel welcome. Our community groups can ensure they remain open to people who are homeless by keeping the cost of activities and membership as low as possible or considering arrangements for lower fees for people experiencing financial hardship. Places of business can also make sure that people experiencing homelessness are welcome and do not experience stigma or discrimination when they are in public spaces. Community groups and businesses that have facilities might investigate whether they can create events or opportunities to share those facilities, such as having community dinners. We might also be able to make facilities such as showers and toilets available for use by members of the public who may not have access to a safe and secure place themselves.
We can have influence in our personal lives
There is a lot of stigma and shame associated with experiencing homelessness. We can treat people experiencing homelessness or housing stress with dignity and respect. If we see someone in the street experiencing homelessness, we can stop and engage.
Financial hardship and inclusion
Although poverty is often hidden in Australia, it can be a crushing reality for those experiencing it. Financial hardship often involves making impossible choices between essentials — food or rent — and being in a near constant state of worry and stress about having your basic needs met. Stress around financial pressures can have negative impacts on people’s health and wellbeing. Fear, shame, and the feeling of being trapped cause significant harm, and individuals may withdraw from community and friendships, becoming isolated. Experience of poverty can easily change a person’s life trajectory, impacting employment, housing, education and health outcomes for much of their life.[26]
Many Australians are only a few financial shocks away from severe financial hardship, that could look like losing a job, sudden or chronic illness or a relationship ending. It’s important that we build our system so that a financial shock does not mean long-term experiences of poverty. Unfortunately, our current social welfare system is not fit for purpose. People who are relying on income support payments are unable to afford necessities, often having to go without meals, falling behind in payments, or having to access debt to stay afloat. This is the case no matter how savvily or carefully they budget. Such a low income makes it hard to find secure and stable employment and can lead to long-term unemployment, social isolation, entrenched poverty, and intergenerational disadvantage.
Cost of living pressures are affecting almost all Australians but they are not affecting us equally. It is critical that we make sure those who are doing it toughest can still have their needs met.
3.3M living below the poverty line
In 2022, there were 3.3 million people (13.4 per cent) living below the poverty line, including 761,000 children (16.6 per cent).[27]
$8 per week left after essentials
The 2024 Red Shield Appeal report found that people accessing emergency relief had $8 a week left after essential spending such as housing and groceries. Respondents who were reliant on government payments went backwards and had -$2 after essentials.[28]
Poverty is more pronounced for women than men, with larger gender differences in rates of poverty for young women and women aged 55 and over.[29]
People who experience childhood poverty are up to 3.3 times more likely to remain in poverty in adult life.[30]
We have the power to make a difference
We can urge action from our governments
Our social safety net is failing people. The Commonwealth Government needs to review and radically increase the rates of income support, such as JobSeeker and Youth Allowance, so that unemployment does not mean long-term poverty.
Governments need to work together to prioritise ending homelessness and housing stress. A commitment and concrete plan to increase social housing to at least 10 per cent of housing stock in Australia is a key intervention that will ease housing stress across our community.
We can implement change in our community and our workplaces
Workplaces and community groups often support causes through fundraising and learning opportunities. Poverty is a foundational social justice issue that leads to, results from, or exacerbates every other disadvantage in this report. When we are choosing a cause to highlight, we can choose ones that address the underlying issue of financial hardship.
When organising events, activities and memberships we can keep in mind that cost may be a barrier to some people participating. We can actively keep the individual cost of participation as low as possible and consider providing bursaries or scholarships to assist with costs that can be accessed without shame or stigma.
We can have influence in our personal lives
We can give to or volunteer with groups that are working to support people experiencing poverty. While structural issues need to be addressed, in the meantime there are already so many people doing what they can and so many opportunities to get involved. Acting in our own communities, we can make a difference for people one at a time.
Alcohol and drug misuse
Harmful alcohol and other drug use in Australia represents a significant public health concern, with wide-ranging social, economic, and health implications. Despite extensive efforts to address this issue, it remains a persistent challenge affecting individuals, families, and communities across the country.
Not all alcohol and drug use results in dependence or causes serious issues. In this context, we use the terminology “alcohol and drug misuse” to refer to substance use which incurs harm.
Some of the harm that can be associated with alcohol and drug misuse for individuals includes impacts on health and wellbeing, relationships, employment, and education. For the community, some of the harm from alcohol and drug misuse can include increased contact with the justice system, disease and injury, road accidents, and the exacerbation of mental ill-health and family and domestic violence.
Alcohol and other drug-related harm is both a driver and result of other forms of disadvantage. Often a person experiencing alcohol or other drug-related harm is also experiencing multiple disadvantages at once. Substance use itself can be disruptive to the brain, making it harder to change behaviour — even if a person wants to.
According to the National Drug Strategy Household Survey, in 2022-23 around 47 per cent of Australians aged 14 and over had used a non-prescribed drug at some point in their life (including pharmaceuticals used for non-medical purposes) and 16.4 per cent had used one in the last 12 months.[31]
It is also estimated that around one in 20 Australians have lived experience of alcohol or drug misuse.
1742 alcohol-induced deaths recorded in 2022
There were 1742 alcohol-induced deaths recorded in 2022. This was a 9.1 per cent increase on 2021.[32]
Almost one in two Australians have engaged in non-prescribed substance use in their lifetime.[33]
1 in 5
More than one in five Australians (21 per cent) aged 14 and over have been verbally or physically abused, or put in fear by another person who was under the influence of alcohol.[34]
Cost of addiction: $80.3B
In 2021 the cost of addiction in Australia was estimated at $80.3 billion.[35]
We have the power to make a difference
We can urge action from our governments
Governments can work together by investing in harm reduction and treatment services so that the health problems primarily associated with substance misuse can be mitigated.
When planning policy to address alcohol and drug use, governments need to understand the needs of local populations, particularly the voices of lived experience, to provide accessible alcohol and other drug treatment systems embedded within the wider welfare system to create pathways and services to better engage, maintain and transition people from treatment.
Alcohol and other drug misuse often occurs alongside other forms of disadvantage. Policy responses need to be holistic, tailored, and culturally appropriate, and focus on harm reduction and early intervention.
We can implement change in our community and our workplaces
Social connection is a supportive factor in minimising harm from alcohol and drug use. Community groups in particular have the power to ensure their events and activities are supportive and non-judgmental to create pathways for all people to build hopeful, purposeful, and meaningful lives.
Workplaces can incorporate understanding of alcohol and drug use, and the impact on health and wellbeing, in our wellbeing policies and supports (such as Employee Assistance Program which provides counselling to employees for a range of concerns).
We can have influence in our personal lives
Alcohol and drug misuse is a health issue and it can take great effort and courage to seek help. Instead of judging, we can listen and connect with people and reduce the stigma associated with substance use.
Unemployment and underemployment
Unemployment and underemployment pose significant challenges to Australians and the economy. When we talk about unemployment in government reporting we generally mean people who have no paid employment and are actively seeking employment. People who work just one hour a week do not count as unemployed in official figures even when they are actively seeking more work (they are underemployed). People who cannot actively seek employment, or become discouraged and have stopped looking for work, are also not included in the headline unemployment numbers.
Many Australians face uncertain job situations, not because they lack skills or experience, but because there are not jobs available. Economic conditions, structural changes in demand for skills, and difficulties around labour mobility (a mismatch of where the job is located and where the person looking can live) all impact employment opportunities. The nature of the job market has also changed, with casual work and the “gig economy” growing in prevalence. Unfortunately, an uncertain job market increases the risk of worker exploitation and people feel they have fewer options and less ability to stand up for themselves.
Unemployment, underemployment and casualised employment can be a major source of stress that has the potential to compromise the health and wellbeing of individuals. In Australia we have an income support safety net for people seeking work but it is currently set at such low levels that it does not provide enough to allow a person to live and seek work and can trap a person in poverty and unemployment. Currently in Australia, about 750,000 people are “long-term unemployed”, meaning they have been receiving income support payments for 12 months or longer.[36]
Secure employment provides more than just financial stability. It provides an opportunity to grow skills and make a contribution. This is why addressing the barriers to employment is so critical to the wellbeing of individuals and our community.[37]
Since November 2022 the underemployment rate has risen steadily and is nearly twice the headline unemployment rate.[38]
Underemployment rates are consistently higher for women than men. As much as 7.5 per cent of women in the labour force experienced underemployment (July 2023) and only 5.3 per cent of men.[39]
As many as 19.9 per cent of suicides in Australia between 2004 and 2016 related directly to unemployment or underemployment.[40]
48% with disabilityvs 80% without disability
Only 48 per cent of people with disability are employed, compared to 80 per cent of people without disability.[41]
We have the power to make a difference
We can urge action from our governments
Governments can address some negative impacts of unemployment by ensuring that our income support safety net is fit for purpose. This involves an immediate increase to income support payments such as JobSeeker and Youth Allowance.
Governments can also re-examine the measures of economic success to recognise the negative impacts of unemployment. At the Commonwealth level, work has already begun on considering budget decisions through a wellbeing framework. This thinking could be extended to committing to full employment and making sure our ideas of unemployment shift to account for underemployment.
Other concrete actions governments can take involve positive promotion and working with industries that currently struggle to attract workers to make them attractive to jobseekers. Governments can also ensure that employment services are fit for the purpose of helping jobseekers, including by implementing measures like mandatory minimum professional standards.
We can implement change in our community and our workplaces
Businesses have a huge role to play in both creating employment opportunities and ensuring that workers are treated fairly. In our workplaces we can make sure that employees are aware of their rights and feel safe and comfortable raising any concerns they have.
Businesses can also consciously implement strategies to increase employment opportunities for a diverse range of people, recognising the significant contribution that any person can make. For example, we can significantly broaden our thinking about the wide range of contributions people with disability can bring to the workplace.
Community groups can also be a wonderful place of belonging for people experiencing unemployment. In our community groups we can provide opportunities for people to volunteer and remain connected to their community, as well as build and maintain valuable skills.
We can have influence in our personal lives
When people in our circles are unemployed we can be sympathetic and respectful. We can work to dismantle preconceived ideas about those experiencing unemployment, acknowledging that many barriers to employment exist outside of an individual’s control.
Unfortunately, some companies have taken advantage of the precarious nature of the jobs market. As consumers we can avoid using services and industries that are known to have exploitative employment practices.
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