The Salvation Army URL has changed to salvationarmy.org.au

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Christmas Hampers

Christmas Hampers

27 December 2013

It was a wonderful opportunity to serve our Stafford Community through the distribution of food hampers. Here's some details about the Stafford Salvo's Christmas distribution: 134 families served 300 children aged 0 - 16 Thousands of toys given out 130 food hampers provided Hundreds of volunteer hours. Thanks to all, particular mention to Caleb O and Tom R.  In the past 2 days these young m... Read more

Did you know..

Did you know..

8 December 2013

Did you know that the Salvation Army has a mission statement? Read more

Continue Praying

Continue Praying

15 November 2013

What makes a prayerful ministry? Read more

Karate Group

Karate Group

15 November 2013

Our Stafford karate group has been doing great. Last Wednesday was grading night: click to see how the group went! Read more