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Christmas Toy and Hamper Distribution

8 December 2014

Christmas Toy and Hamper Distribution

;This year we will continue the distribution of FOOD HAMPERS AND TOYS to families and children in our community.

Families are identified in partnership with community schools, as well as families who self-nominante.

December 11-12, : Packing Food Hampers

December 15, 16 (10am-5pm) 17th (10am-2pm): Christmas Disctribution. We need lots of volunteers both days to make the distribution run smoothly - registration, refreshments, 'elves' to help parents select gifts, people to carry hampers, drivers for those wyou can't get their items home, toys and food 'restockers.

This is a great opportynuty to meet families from our community and share the joy of Jesus and the season.



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