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Army at floods front line

16 February 2019

The Salvation Army has been busy providing recovery assistance and support to people and communities affected by the flooding in North Queensland. Kim Lee, The Salvation Army's territorial strategic emergency and disaster management specialist Kim Lee, said that the army, in partnership with the Queensland Government, had deployed 17 staff per day into Townsville to work within six recovery hubs and five outreach teams.

"Within these hubs and outreach teams, The Salvation Army is providing care, support and immediate financial relief in the form of Universal gift cards and other vouchers such as Woolworths gift cards to flood affected people," Kim said. "Many of the people coming to The Salvation Army have experienced total devastation, trauma, loss and complete inundation of flood waters in their homes."

Figures show that The Salvation Army has helped more than 100 familes, provided $474,175 in financial assistance to flood affected people and families and deployed 40 volunteers, officers and/or employees to Townsville as part of the campaign.

"We also want to thank and acknowledge the continued work and efforts of Salvation Army volunteers and personnel in Townsville and North Queensland who have also worked tirelessly to support our recovery activities, from holding community barbecues to collaborating with our teams on the ground to provide further support where needed," Kim said.


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