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Mingles head to city

24 February 2019

The Mingles group took the opportunity to ditch the car and opt for train, boat and legs for an outing into the city today.

The group caught the train from Eagle Junction to Southbank for refreshments before jumping onto the CityHopper for a leisurely cruise down-river to Sydney Street and back, then legged it from North Quay to the mall for coffee and afternoon tea, then meandered to the Pancake Manor for dinner.

Intermingled during the river cruising were deep and meaningful questions on a prepared sheet. At each stop, we’d switch chairs and ask our new seat-mate a question from that sheet.

Mingles - a merging of the words married and singles - is a social get together group for anyone aged 30-70 - single or married.

The next Mingles outing is a tennis night scheduled for March 22. Click here for details





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