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Big weekend at Stafford

3 March 2019

Day of Prayer

On Friday, March 1, our worship centre was filled with prayer and celebration for the World Day of Prayer. About 80 people attended. The singing was accompanied by members of our brass band. The event began at 9.45am with morning tea with a 10.30am service. The liturgy for the day was prepared by a committee in Slovenia. The theme was “Come - everything is ready”.

Sudanese fill worship centre

The Sudanese community booked our worship centre for three nights of celebration - Friday to Sunday - with special guests from Cairo. The place really rocked with music, colour, dancing and worship.

Self Denial Appeal launched

This morning, our worship service took on a TV talk show ambience to launch the annual Self Denial Appeal. Four “guests” introduced some of the countries in focus - Malaysia, Ecuador, India and South Africa. Altar Service Sunday for the culmination of the appeal is on April 7. The appeal is where people within the church aim to give a week's salary to support its personell and projects around the world. For further information, click here


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