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Jason graduates from Moonyah

10 March 2019

Jason, who has been a part of our faith community at Stafford for many months, on Tuesday graduated from The Salvation Army’s Bridge Program at TSA’s Recovery Services Centre at Moonyah, Red Hill.

It’s been a long road for Jason to get to that point (much of which he shared during the graduation ceremony) but we praise God for bringing him to this point in his life’s journey.

At the chapel service on Tuesday when the graduation ceremony took place, Jason’s case worker Warren gave a glowing assessment of his charge: He’s a “terrific person to have around”. He’s a “living, breathing example of recovery”. He “went above what is expected here”.

Philippians 3:13-14 was the text for the night.

Queensland divisional commander Lt-Col David Godkin’s message was about learning from the past to live the life now that God has planned for everyone.

He said there are many ways to move forward but only one way to stand still.

Another quote he used was: “Don’t look back. You’re not going that way.”


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