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Seven Voices on Good Friday

19 April 2019

Today’s Good Friday service took on a different approach with seven characters portraying “their” perspective of the different events and aspects of the first Good Friday.

There was Judas, Peter, Caiaphas, Pilate, the centurion, Joseph of Arimathea and the thief crucified with Jesus.

Ian, Darryl, Graham, David, Stephen and Mike presented meaningful monologues as they gave their character’s point of view.

The presentations were adapted from the 12 Voices of Easter scripts.

Some of the congregation said it was an “amazing blessing”, it was “a wonderful interpretation” and “nothing short of superb”.

Mary, Cleopas and Thomas will give their version of the Easter Sunday events on Sunday. You are welcome. The service begins at 9.30am.

Producer: Ian. Director: Michelle. Set design: Nerylie. Lighting: David. Crew: Darryl.



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