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We thank God for ... everything

28 April 2019

Today’s worship was about being thankful:

Give thanks to the Lord for His love endures for ever was the theme.

The service began with the chorus “I will enter his gates” followed by Matt Redman’s “10,000 Reasons”.

Corps officer Major Ian Channell brought administrative and ministry leaders to the platform to recognise their contribution to the growth, development and running of our church and to thank them.

Romans 8:28 was the text for Kidz Biz with Major Glenys. The major attraction was popcorn. She showed the kids "unpopped" popcorn to begin with but their eyes lit up when she produced "popped" popcorn. She passed around a cup of popcorn and invited the children to smell it. They couldn't wait to try some. Her encouragement to the kids was that, before popcorn could become what it was meant to be, it had to go through the heating process. She told the wide-eyed kids that, growing up, people had to go through a bit of heat sometimes to become different people - the people God wants us to be. We all were encouraged to memorise the text and read it through on a whiteboard several times before the board was turned around and the children were asked to recite it without the words. A cup of popcorn was the prize! Major Glenys said it was good to memorise scripture because, when you have God’s word in your head and in your heart, it comes to your mind when you’re going through "the popping process".


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