6 April 2014 9:40pm - 21 April 2014 9:40pm
Join us as we conclude the Lenten Worship Series entitled "FOLLOW" with International Guests Lt. Colonels Jeff and Dorothy Smith from the USA Central Territory.
Maundy Thursday
7pm "Holy Week Reflections" (Major Michelle Oliver)
Good Friday
9:30am "The Wonderful Foolish Cross" (Lt. Colonel Jeff Smith)
During this gathering 'the crowd' will rehearse all the details of Christ's arrest, beatings and death. The message will focus on the meaning of what took place rather than on the events themselves and the ultimate paradox which the cross portrays.
Easter Sunrise
6am Newstead Park - "An Empty Tomb" (Lt. Colonel Jeff Smith)
This message will gather several of the direct witnesses of the empty tomb on that first Easter Day. The focus will be on the importance of the testimony of those who saw and knew that Christ was alive.
Easter Morning
9:30 - "Finding Jesus: The story of two very different paths to discovery" (Lt. Colonel Jeff Smith)
Luke 23:55-24:11, 24:13-35. This message will deal with the men walking to Emmaus contrasted and compared to the experience of the women in Luke as they walked to the tomb.
Divisional Easter Celebration at Stafford Corps
5:30PM "A Question of Strategy" , John 14:22. This message will focus on the unexpected strategy Christ pursues in reaching the world.
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