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News / 2020 / 03 / 13

The Sydney Inner West Covid-19 Response

13 March 2020

We love to get together & look for opportunities to hang out all the time. So we can continue to do this, even in the middle of the current health crisis, we're asking everyone to help us out by following a few simple steps...

  1. Use your words to say hi, not hugs. To help prevent the spread of the virus we're asking everyone to limit physical contact for a while until our health professionals create a vaccine.
  2. If you're feeling sick (fever, cough, sore throat, shortness of breath, etc.) stay home & let us know how we can best support you... we may even be able to find toilet paper!
  3. If you've travelled from Mainland China, Iran, Italy or South Korea since 1 Feb 2020, we hope you've had a great trip, but ask that you stay at home for at least 14 days before coming to tell us your great stories & show us the pics of your trip.
  4. Keep it clean... like everything. We're asking everyone to be really intentional about using the best hygiene practices possible.
  5. At the Salvos, we're praying that God gives wisdom to those working on medical solutions & our government to make decisions that best protect the people of Australia. We ask that you join us in praying too.


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