Dedications, marriages and funerals

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Churches have long been host to important ceremonies regarding different phases of life

The Salvation Army is always available to assist you on your special day or in your hour of need 


This service is similar to a typical Christening service, however water is not used. The service most often takes place during a normal Sunday church service, where parents are encouraged to thank God for blessing them with a child and make promises to raise their child with Christian values.


The Salvation Army upholds marriage as a sacred bond between a man and a woman. Salvation Army officers are available to conduct your wedding ceremony and also offer pre-marriage counselling to help couples plan for their life together.

Salvation Army officers are legally licensed to perform marriages and are required by the Government to register all ceremonies in the official records of the State.


Salvation Army officers are always available to provide care and support through the trauma of the death of a loved family member or friend. Our officers can provide a meaningful ceremony and assistance with arrangements.