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A Seat at the Tabe
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A Seat at the Tabe

23 December 2021

A Seat at the Table Mitchell Evans After extended periods of lockdown and being distanced from our friends and family, many are in the process of planning big Christmas celebrations with loved ones th...

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Created for Connection
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Created for Connection

9 July 2021

Mitchell EvansWe (humans) are designed for community. Really early in this Covid-19 pandemic the team at Streetlevel got together to think up ways to keep people connected when we’re being dire...

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Keeping Each other Safe Where we Can
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Keeping Each other Safe Where we Can

2 July 2021

Mel Winnell This is one the values of our community at Streetlevel. Often when we (or maybe just I?) think of safety what comes to mind are physical spaces or environments we find ourselves in and how...

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Created for Connection

9 July 2021

Created for Connection

Mitchell Evans

We (humans) are designed for community.

Really early in this Covid-19 pandemic the team at Streetlevel got together to think up ways to keep people connected when we’re being directed by health authorities to socially distance.

Please hear my heart and what I’m saying. I’m not suggesting we ignore health advice but rather I’m highlighting the importance of us staying connected (safely) during these difficult times.

The power of community/connection is not something new. It’s been this way since the beginning of time. Our need for connection is how we were deigned (and this is a good thing).

From time to time I like to re-read through the miracles of Jesus. As I read these again recently I made notes on what happened, what did Jesus say but equally as important – what did Jesus do. I was amazed to see the majority of the miracles Jesus performed involved him physically touching the person he was healing. It wasn’t required for the person to receive healing/a miracle but he does this because there is power in physical connection. We are created for connection.

There is a story where Jesus heals a man suffering with leprosy and it says that “moved with compassion, Jesus reached out AND TOUCHED HIM”. It wasn’t essential for Jesus to touch this man to be healed of leprosy but Jesus knew that this connection of physical touch was required for his journey to full healing. This guy suffering with leprosy had been excluded from his friends, his family, his community – EVERYONE because of his condition and this touch from Jesus was equally as important in his journey of healing. We are created for connection.

Over the past 10 years at Streetlevel I must have given hundreds of haircuts. I’ve been asked for fades, for various styles they’ve seen on TV or a magazine and more recently (and for the first time) a perm – but my limit is anything with a number. The price is also a big selling point I’m told (it’s free).

What I’ve come to realise is my haircuts have little to do with the actual haircut but more to do with touch and time together because as humans we’re created for connection. Quite often the clippers have well and truly stopped and I’ll realise I’m just standing there talking to my friend with my hand on their shoulder. We laugh and then struggle to remember when the haircut stopped or how long we’ve just been standing there.

An example of this happened late last year during the pandemic. I found myself in the laneway late one afternoon doing a haircut for someone. A community member reached out on the phone and shared that they weren’t doing well being shut off from everyone and “needed a haircut”. I knew this was code for needing some connection time so I told them to come in. We couldn’t go inside due to the restrictions so we setup in the laneway. I was wearing gloves, a mask, apron to make sure they were safe and we got to (ever so slowly) the haircut.

After what could possibly be the worlds slowest buzz cut, my friend left with a smile on their face, a fresh haircut and a totally different outlook on the world. Things are different because of the pandemic but we can still create spaces and new rhythms for connection.

I encourage you to look out for your friends and family especially during this time and (safely) make space for connecting with others. Remember we’re created for connection.


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