Positive Lifestyle Program

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The Positive Lifestyle Program is an 8-module course used by hundreds of Salvation Army chaplains, counsellors and PLP facilitators throughout Australia. It is used in a wide variety of fields and settings. Hundreds of men and women owe their freedom to the PLP process.

The PLP methodology takes participants through a self-awareness-raising process, focusing on personal difficulties they may be unable to identify or address. PLP looks to address discontentment, fear, anger and fatigue, which are some of the anti-social and personally harmful consequences people experience when relationships and the communication processes break down.

PLP, in a non-invasive, non-judgmental way, encourages participants to consider the following aspects of their lives: 

  1. Self Awareness
  2. Anger
  3. Depression & Loneliness
  4. Stress                                          
  5. Grief
  6. Assertiveness
  7. Self Esteem
  8. Future Directions

Goals and Duration

PLP helps people know, value, care for and improve themselves. The ‘golden rule’ of treating other people the way we wish to be treated ourselves, is central to the modules. The positive response to life that is engendered consequently flows through relationships with other, in their networks, their communities and society as a whole.

The program runs for 8 weekly sessions with a one-to-one mentor and is completely confidential in nature. 

Ask the Streetlevel staff for a brochure and information about PLP.