About Us

The Salvation Army URL has changed to salvationarmy.org.au

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“Families thriving in strong, safe communities”

Communities for Children South East Tasmania deliver programs and activities in the areas of:

Southern Midlands
Upper Derwent Valley/Central Highlands
Derwent Valley

Communities for Children deliver programs and activities for families with Children in the 0-12 year age group that address the priority areas of Safety, Resilience and Aspirations and the Communities for Children Facilitating Partner objectives of:

To improve the health and well-being of families and the development of young children, from before birth through to age 12 years, paying special attention to:

  • Healthy young families — supporting parents to care for their children before and after birth and throughout the early years;
  • Supporting families and parents — support for parents to provide children with secure attachment, consistent discipline and quality environments that are stable, positive, stimulating, safe and secure;
  • Early learning — provide access to high quality early learning opportunities in the years before school; provide early identification and support for children at risk of developmental and behavioural problems; assist parents with ways they can stimulate and promote child development and learning from birth; and
  • School transition and engagement - support children and families to make a smooth transition to school and work with local schools to assist children and families with their ongoing engagement with school.

To create strong child-friendly communities that understand the importance of children and apply this capacity to maximise the health, well-being and early development of young children at the local level.


Communities for Children- South-East Tasmania functions as a collaborative impact project, with a strong, vibrant backbone team comprising of our Manager, Liana and Admin Coordinator Jo.

Our 'Collaborative Leadership Table' is named our CfC Steering Committee, made up of our Community Partners, Community Members and people interested in working collaboratively towards our goal of 

“Families thriving in strong, safe communities”

All our funding decisions are made by the very wise and experienced Funding Committee, who are Steering Committee Members, but not Community Partners to avoid conflicts of interest. 





Contact Us

Liana Harding
Mobile: 0429 275 512
Address: 115 Central Avenue, Derwent Park, Tas 7009
PO Box 219 Moonah, Tas 7009

Email: liana.harding@salvationarmy.org.au

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