Positive Parenting

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Tips to help you build great relationships with your kids

Being a parent can be a challenge. We all want good relationships with our children and to communicate in a positive way. Our parenting programs help you to navigate some of the behavioural issues in a constructive and caring way.

There are common causes for child behavioural problems. We offer suggestions and ideas to help you to:

  • Build positive relationships with your children
  • Praise and encourage “good” behaviour
  • Teach children new skills
  • Set rules and give instructions that your children will follow
  • Use discipline strategies that work
  • Take care of yourselves as parents

There are many ways to be a good parent. We support you with useful and practical strategies to assist with everyday parenting concerns.

'Coming to the CfC programs here I have seen Makilee grow and learn. It has helped her to come out of her shell; she's a social butterfly now.'

Kirby and Makilee