
The Salvation Army URL has changed to salvationarmy.org.au

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Supported Accommodation

10 Anzac Avenue Toowoomba 

Our Supported Accomodation Service provides information, advice, referral and provision of housing (as available) for those who meet criteria. Persons housed by this service are provided with support based on Case Management frame work with the aim to assist them to secure affordable long term housing. Continued support is available for all who have moved from the program to other accommodation.  

Our Supported Accommodation Centre operates weekdays and can be contacted for assistance on

(07) 3832 1491.



Money Care is a holistic service providing free, face-to-face support to community members with financial difficulties, providing budgeting help and liaison with creditors (if required) by a trained professional. The program aims to increase financial awareness and assist you to manage your own financial situation in the future.

An appointment with Karen from Money Care can be made through our Salvos Debt Helpline on

1800 722 363

Doorways Community Support

If you require financial assistance to support you through a crisis, please call the Salvos Phone Assistance Line on: 

07 3001 6288

Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 

9am to 4pm


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