
The Salvation Army URL has changed to salvationarmy.org.au

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A safe community is a community that looks out for one another. A safe community is one that takes responsibility for supporting its members and ensuring that each and every person in that community is valued. At the end of the day, a community that strives to keep its area and activities safe for all its members creates a vibrant and caring community that is a pleasant and enjoyable place to live together.

We as Salvation Army believe in bringing up and maintaining a safer community and evengalise the word of God.

The Woden Valley Corps get ourselves involved with the community by doing the following:


Our church has dedicated people who are willing to listen to you or your family situations and pray and provide assistance.

Please call 0427 150 928 for more information.

Youth Activities

The Shed - 7.00pm - 9.30pm Fridays. The Shed is for 12-18 year olds.  Activities include table tennis, music, games, a pool table and small groups.  $4 entry per person and $1 for drinks

Please contact 0427 150 928 for more information. Also look at the events section of this website.

Ladies Time Out

9.30am on Wednesdays.  Meet together at the Hall for morning tea and fellowship. Includes various activities and outings throughout the year.  Women of all ages and children welcome (not held in school holidays).

Please contact 0427 150 928 for more information.