If you’re facing a crisis, we’re here to help meet the immediate needs of you and your family.
Without a safe place to stay, enough food for your family, or even necessities such as clothing for the kids, tomorrow can feel like a long way off.
Our emergency relief services help relieve the stresses you’re facing today. If you find yourself in a tough spot, reach out and let us help.
Once your immediate needs have been met, we can also help with your next steps. We can talk to your utility providers about that outstanding bill, help you connect with Centrelink about getting a job, talk to police, or recommend other support services.
Once you’re in a safe and stable environment we can help you plan for the future.
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday 9:30am - 3:30pm
If you find yourself in difficult circumstances, you can access short-term financial assistance in the form of food parcels and vouchers.
Please call 9731 1344 for an appointment or call the Salvos Phone Assistance Line on 8873 5288
Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday 12.00pm - 2.00pm
Share good food and great company at our regular community meals. Two-course community lunch (free but gold coin donation gratefully accepted).
All are welcome
Weekly on Friday Nights at 5pm
Werribee Railway Station (Bus Side)
By appointment ph 9741 7359
A 10-week program focused on developing positive strategies to manage anger, grief and relationships.