There is an 'exodus' of emerging adults from churches, a mass movement from attendance and identifying with Christianity. Whether they were never involved or have since left, most faith communities struggle to engage with emerging adults. This ‘exodus’ raises questions for the Salvation Army.

Why is what we’re doing not working?
How do we connect with emerging adults who have not grown up in churches?
How can our churches help emerging adults’ faith grow and develop?
If emerging adults are leaving the Church, where is their faith going?

To explore these questions, the Youth and Young Adults Ministry Team engaged in lived experience research with emerging adults about their lives and spirituality. As a result, we identified practice principles to support emerging adults to thrive in life and faith. We found that faith communities meaningfully engage emerging adults when they: 

  • Meet them where they are; 
  • Walk alongside them; 
  • Empower them to take ownership; and 
  • Help them to discover purpose. 

Facing the 'exodus' of emerging adults from faith communities can feel daunting. But in Scripture, the Exodus was a defining moment of God’s love and redemption for His people (Ex 3:15-22). What if we understood emerging adults' 'exodus' not as a move away from faith but as a journey through the wilderness to the Promised Land? When we support emerging adults on their journey in life and faith using our four practice principles, we can go with them through the wilderness of questions and challenges to the promised land of hope and faith on the other side.