
The Salvation Army URL has changed to salvationarmy.org.au

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The Salvation Army Youthlink and selected headspace youth mental health centres in Western and South Western Sydney are working collaboratively to provide the headfyrst program .  This is an innovative and free service for young people experiencing co-existing AOD and mental health issues.  headfyrst provides specialised Alcohol and Other Drugs (AOD) I Mental Health (MH) Counselling Services to young people aged between 12 and 25 years. 

The headfyrst and headspace teams are co-operatively involved in ongoing care co-ordination towards the shared goal of high quality, free treatment supporting the recovery journey of young people. 

headfyrst offers a safe, confidential, young person centred program which encourages open communication between young people and their clinician where honest and open exchange occurs and young people are able to express what's going on for them in a non-judgmental environment.  headfyrst clinicians are able to identify key issues and concerns which are explored collaboratively with young people working towards positive changes and outcomes. 

headfyrst is about providing resources, counselling and support to help young people work through their recovery journey. headfyrst supports young people to build on their strengths in order to enhance health, wellbeing, independence and participation in a meaningful life. 

headfyrst also works in collaboration with other organisations including mental health teams and early intervention and recovery services. 

headfyrst is a service integrated within various Headspace sites, therefore our intake process requires that a referral is made directly to the relevant Headspace site.

To make an appointment contact headfyrst or for referral, complete the referral form. 

headfyrst centres are located at:

Parramatta - Ph:  1300 737 616 Bankstown - Ph:  (02) 9393 9669
Mt Druitt - Ph:  1800 683 784 Liverpool - Ph:  (02) 8107 6100
Castle Hill - Ph:  (02) 9393 9800 Campbelltown - Ph:  (02) 4627 9089

headfyrst is funded by the Commonwealth Government through South Western Sydney Primary Health Network and Western Sydney Primary Health Network

Contact headfyrst

(02) 8811 0100
